starters in Pokemon Violet

How to get other starters in Pokemon Violet?- A comprehensive overview 2023

Pokemon Violet is one of the latest games in the Pokemon series, released for Nintendo Switch in 2022. The game takes place in the Paldea region, a vast land filled with lakes, towering peaks, wastelands, small towns, and sprawling cities. The game features a new open-world gameplay style, where you can explore the region at your own pace and traverse land, water, and air by riding on a form-shifting Legendary Pokemon—Miraidon.

starters in Pokemon Violet

At the beginning of your adventure, you will receive one of three starter Pokemon from the academy’s director, Clavell. The starter Pokemon are:

  • Flareon, a Fire-type Pokemon that resembles a lion cub. It has a fiery mane and tail, and can unleash powerful flames from its mouth.

starters in Pokemon Violet

  • Aquana, a Water-type Pokemon that resembles a dolphin. It has a sleek blue body and a fin on its head, and can manipulate water with its psychic powers.

starters in Pokemon Violet

  • Leafia, a Grass-type Pokemon that resembles a deer. It has a green fur coat and antlers, and can create vines and flowers from its body.

starters in Pokemon Violet


These starter Pokemon are unique to Pokemon Violet, and you won’t find them in Pokemon Scarlet, the sister game. However, you might be wondering if you can get other starters in Pokemon Violet, such as those from previous games or those exclusive to Pokemon Scarlet. The answer is yes, you can! There are several ways to get other starters in Pokemon Violet, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. In this article, we will explain these methods and give you some tips on how to use them effectively.

Method 1: Trading with other players

One of the easiest ways to get other starters in Pokemon Violet is to trade with other players online or locally. You can use the Nintendo Switch Online service or local wireless communication to connect with other players who have Pokemon Scarlet or Violet, or any other compatible Pokemon game. You can then exchange your Pokemon with them, as long as both parties agree.

The benefits of this method are:

  • You can get any starter you want, as long as someone is willing to trade it with you.
  • You can get starters from different regions and generations, such as Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, Kalos, Alola, Galar, or even Paldea.
  • You can get starters with different forms, such as regional variants or Gigantamax forms.
  • You can get starters with different genders, natures, abilities, moves, IVs, EVs, ribbons, or nicknames.

The drawbacks of this method are:

  • You need an internet connection or another nearby player to trade with.
  • You need to have something valuable or desirable to offer in return for the starter you want.
  • You might encounter scammers or hackers who try to cheat you or give you fake or illegal Pokemon.

Some tips for trading with other players are:

  • Use reputable websites or forums to find trustworthy traders who have positive feedback from previous transactions.
  • Use voice chat or text chat to communicate clearly with your trading partner and confirm the details of the trade before proceeding.
  • Use the GTS (Global Trade System) or Wonder Trade features to search for or offer Pokemon anonymously, but be aware that you might not get what you want or expect.
  • Use the Pokemon HOME app to transfer your Pokemon between different games or devices, or to store them in the cloud.

Method 2: Breeding starters in Pokemon Violet with Ditto

Another way to get other starters in Pokemon Violet is to breed with Ditto, a special Pokemon that can transform into any other Pokemon and breed with any gender or species. You can obtain Ditto in Pokemon Violet by catching it in the wild, trading with other players, or completing certain quests.

starters in Pokemon Violet

The benefits of this method are:

  • You can get multiple copies of the same starter, as long as you have enough Ditto and eggs.
  • You can get starters with different genders, natures, abilities, moves, IVs, EVs, or nicknames.
  • You can get starters with different forms, such as regional variants or Gigantamax forms, if you breed with a Ditto that has transformed into that form.

The drawbacks of this method are:

  • You need to have a Ditto and a starter of the same species to breed with.
  • You need to have access to a Pokemon Nursery or Day Care where you can leave your Pokemon to breed.
  • You need to have enough time and patience to hatch the eggs and raise the baby Pokemon.

Some tips for breeding with Ditto are:

  • Use a Ditto with a high IV (Individual Value) score or a foreign language to increase the chances of getting a shiny Pokemon or a Pokemon with better stats.
  • Use an Everstone to pass down the nature of the parent Pokemon to the offspring.
  • Use a Destiny Knot to pass down five random IVs from both parents to the offspring.
  • Use an Ability Capsule or an Ability Patch to change the ability of the offspring.
  • Use a Power item or a Bottle Cap to increase the EV (Effort Value) or IV of the offspring.
  • Use a TM (Technical Machine), TR (Technical Record), or Move Tutor to teach new moves to the offspring.

Method 3: Completing special quests

A third way to get other starters in Pokemon Violet is to complete special quests that reward starters as prizes. These quests are usually given by NPCs (Non-Player Characters) who have specific requests or challenges for you. You can find these quests by talking to people, reading signs, listening to rumors, or checking your PokeNav.

The benefits of this method are:

  • You can get starters that are otherwise unobtainable in the game, such as those exclusive to Pokemon Scarlet or previous games.
  • You can get starters that have unique features, such as shiny colors, hidden abilities, rare moves, or special ribbons.
  • You can get starters that match the theme or difficulty of the quest, such as fire-type starters for a volcano quest or legendary starters for a master quest.

The drawbacks of this method are:

  • You need to meet certain requirements or criteria to unlock or complete the quests, such as having a certain number of badges, completing the main story, or having specific items or Pokemon in your party.
  • You need to have enough skill and strategy to overcome the challenges or puzzles that the quests involve, such as battling tough opponents, solving riddles, or finding hidden clues.
  • You might miss some quests if you don’t explore every area or talk to every person in the game.

Some examples of special quests that reward starters are:

  • The Starter Swap Quest: A mysterious trainer in Mesagoza City will offer to trade your starter Pokemon for one of his own. He has all three starters from each region and generation, but he will only trade once per day and randomly choose which starter he will give you. You can decline his offer if you don’t like his choice, but you won’t be able to trade with him again until the next day.
  • The Starter Safari Quest: A friendly ranger in Safari Zone will invite you to join his special tour. He will give you 30 Safari Balls and let you explore a hidden area where you can encounter and catch wild starter Pokemon from different regions and generations. However, you can only catch one starter per visit, and you won’t be able to return until you have caught all 24 starters available in this area.
  • The Starter Showdown Quest: A legendary trainer in Victory Road will challenge you to a battle. He will use six starter Pokemon from different regions and generations, each with their final evolution and their Gigantamax form. If you manage to defeat him, he will give you one of his starters as a reward. You can choose which starter you want from his team, but you can only challenge him once per game.

Method 4: Exploring hidden areas

A fourth way to get other starters in Pokemon Violet is to explore hidden areas that contain starters. These areas are usually secret or inaccessible locations that require special items or actions to enter. You can find these areas by using your PokeNav, Miraidon’s abilities, or other clues.

The benefits of this method are:

  • You can discover new and exciting places that are not part of the main story or the map.
  • You can encounter and catch rare and powerful Pokemon that are not available elsewhere in the game, including starters from different regions and generations.
  • You can find hidden items and secrets that can help you in your adventure, such as TM, TR, berries, fossils, or Z-Crystals.

The drawbacks of this method are:

  • You need to have specific items or actions to access the hidden areas, such as a bike, a fishing rod, a surfboard, a flute, a key, or a password.
  • You need to have enough skill and luck to navigate the hidden areas, which might have traps, puzzles, enemies, or hazards.
  • You might miss some hidden areas if you don’t explore every corner or use every item or action in the game.

Some examples of hidden areas that contain starters are:

  • The Starter Cave: A hidden cave behind a waterfall in Route 12. You need to use Miraidon’s water form to swim through the waterfall and enter the cave. Inside, you can find and catch wild starter Pokemon from Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh regions. However, you need to be careful of the Zubat and Geodude that also inhabit the cave.
  • The Starter Garden: A secret garden behind a locked gate in Floria City. You need to obtain the Garden Key from a girl who lives in a house near the gate. She will give you the key if you show her a Grass-type Pokemon. Once you enter the garden, you can find and catch wild starter Pokemon from Unova, Kalos, Alola, and Galar regions. However, you need to watch out for the Beedrill and Roselia that also roam the garden.
  • The Starter Island: A mysterious island in the middle of Lake Paldea. You need to use Miraidon’s flying form to fly over the lake and land on the island. There, you can find and catch wild starter Pokemon from Paldea region. However, you need to be prepared for the strong winds and storms that might occur on the island.


In this article, we have explained how to get other starters in Pokemon Violet. We have discussed four methods: trading with other players, breeding with Ditto, completing special quests, and exploring hidden areas. Each method has its own benefits and drawbacks, and you can choose the one that suits your preferences and play style.

If you want to collect all the starters in Pokemon Violet, you might want to try out different methods and see what works best for you. Alternatively, you can stick to your favorite method and enjoy the game with your chosen starters. Either way, we hope you have fun with your starters and your adventure in Pokemon Violet!


  1. Is it possible to get all the starters without trading?
    While it’s challenging, in-game events and breeding make it feasible.
  2. How long does breeding take?
    It varies, but with a Flame Body Pokemon, the hatching process speeds up.
  3. Can I trade starters from other Pokemon games to Pokemon Violet?
    Yes, as long as both games are compatible with Pokemon Home.
  4. Are there any risks associated with online trading?
    While platforms like Pokemon Home are secure, always be cautious and trade with trusted individuals.
  5. Do in-game events recur every year?
    Some do, but it’s best to stay updated on the Pokemon Violet official site for event details.

For those who are eager to continue exploring, to dive deeper into strategies, uncover more secrets, and become a Pokemon master, your journey does not stop here. At Wolf Pokémon, we unravel the myriad mysteries of the Pokemon world, offering insights, guides, and tips that cater to trainers at every level.

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