If you are a fan of Pokemon games, you might have heard of Pokemon Psychic Adventures. It is a ROM hack of Pokemon Fire Red that features a unique story, gameplay, and characters. In this game, you play as a trainer who has a special Drowzee that can hypnotize anyone it meets. You can use this power to control the girls you encounter and make them do whatever you want. Sounds fun, right?
But what if you want to spice up your adventure even more? What if you want to catch any Pokemon you want, get unlimited items, win any battle, and explore hidden areas? Well, that’s where cheats come in handy. Cheats are codes that you can enter in your emulator or device to modify the game in various ways. They can make the game easier, harder, or more interesting depending on your preference.
In this article, we will show you how to use cheats for Pokemon Psychic Adventures. We will cover different types of cheats and how they work. We will also provide you with some examples of cheat codes that you can try out for yourself. By the end of this article, you will be able to hack your way through the game and have more fun than ever.
Pokemon Modifier Cheats
One of the most common types of cheats for Pokemon games is Pokemon modifier cheats. These cheats allow you to change the wild Pokemon that you encounter in the game. You can use them to catch any Pokemon you want, even those that are not normally available in the game. You can also customize their level, gender, shiny status, and other attributes.
To use these cheats, you need to enter two codes: a master code and a specific Pokemon code. The master code enables the cheat function in the game, while the specific Pokemon code determines which Pokemon will appear. You can find many master codes and specific Pokemon codes online or create your own using a hex editor.
Here is an example of a master code and a specific Pokemon code for Pokemon Psychic Adventures:
Master Code:
000014D1 000A 1003DAE6 0007
Specific Pokemon Code (Mew):
83007CEE 0097
To use these codes, follow these steps:
- Open your emulator or device and load your Pokemon Psychic Adventures ROM.
- Go to the cheat menu and select “Add New Cheat”.
- Enter the master code as one cheat and give it a name (e.g., Master Code).
- Enter the specific Pokemon code as another cheat and give it a name (e.g., Mew).
- Enable both cheats and exit the cheat menu.
- Go to any grassy area in the game and walk around until you encounter a wild Pokemon.
- You should see a Mew instead of the usual wild Pokemon.
- Catch it with a Poke Ball or use another cheat to get unlimited Master Balls.
You can repeat this process with different specific Pokemon codes to get any Pokemon you want. You can also change the level, gender, and shiny status of the Pokemon by modifying the last four digits of the specific Pokemon code. For example, if you want a level 100 female shiny Mew, you can use this code:
83007CEE 0197
The first digit (0) determines the level of the Pokemon. You can change it from 0 to F to get different levels. The second digit (1) determines the gender of the Pokemon. You can change it from 0 to 7 to get different genders. The third digit (9) determines the shiny status of the Pokemon. You can change it from 0 to 9 to get different shiny statuses. The fourth digit (7) determines the species of the Pokemon. You can change it from 0 to FF to get different species.
Pokemon-Related Cheats
Another type of cheats for Pokemon games is Pokemon-related cheats. These cheats allow you to modify the Pokemon that you have in your party or in your PC. You can use them to change their stats, moves, abilities, and items. You can also use them to evolve or devolve them at will.
To use these cheats, you need to enter one or more codes depending on what you want to modify. You can find many codes online or create your own using a hex editor.
Here are some examples of Pokemon-related cheats for Pokemon Psychic Adventures:
Max Stats Code:
420242DA03E7 000000070002
This code will give all your Pokemon in your party max stats (HP, Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed).
All Moves Code:
42023C086363 000000020002
This code will give all your Pokemon in your party all moves (PP will be maxed as well).
All Abilities Code:
42023C08FFFF 000000020002
This code will give all your Pokemon in your party all abilities.
All Items Code:
42025A560063 000100440004
This code will give you 99 of every item in your bag.
Evolution Code:
This code will make your Pokemon evolve when they level up or when you use a rare candy on them.
Devolution Code:
This code will make your Pokemon devolve when they level up or when you use a rare candy on them.
To use these codes, follow these steps:
- Open your emulator or device and load your Pokemon Psychic Adventures ROM.
- Go to the cheat menu and select “Add New Cheat”.
- Enter the code as one cheat and give it a name (e.g., Max Stats).
- Enable the cheat and exit the cheat menu.
- Go to your party or PC and check your Pokemon.
- You should see the changes applied to your Pokemon.
You can repeat this process with different codes to modify your Pokemon as you wish.
Item Modifier Cheats
Another type of cheats for Pokemon games is item modifier cheats. These cheats allow you to get any item you want with a simple code. You can use them to get unlimited money, rare candies, master balls, and other useful items. You can also use them to get items that are not normally available in the game, such as TMs, HMs, key items, and event items.
To use these cheats, you need to enter two codes: a master code and a specific item code. The master code enables the cheat function in the game, while the specific item code determines which item will appear. You can find many master codes and specific item codes online or create your own using a hex editor.
Here is an example of a master code and a specific item code for Pokemon Psychic Adventures:
Master Code:
000014D1 000A 1003DAE6 0007
Specific Item Code (Rare Candy):
To use these codes, follow these steps:
- Open your emulator or device and load your Pokemon Psychic Adventures ROM.
- Go to the cheat menu and select “Add New Cheat”.
- Enter the master code as one cheat and give it a name (e.g., Master Code).
- Enter the specific item code as another cheat and give it a name (e.g., Rare Candy).
- Enable both cheats and exit the cheat menu.
- Go to any Poke Mart in the game and talk to the cashier.
- You should see a Rare Candy as the first item for sale for 0 Poke Dollars.
- Buy as many as you want and exit the Poke Mart.
You can repeat this process with different specific item codes to get any item you want. You can also change the quantity of the item by modifying the last two digits of the specific item code. For example, if you want 99 Rare Candies instead of one, you can use this code:
The first digit (0) determines the slot of the item in the PokeMart. The second digit (6) determines the quantity of the item. You can change it from 0 to 9 to get different quantities.
Battle Cheats
Another type of cheats for Pokemon games is battle cheats. These cheats allow you to win any battle with ease. You can use them to enable one-hit KO, infinite HP, and max stats for your Pokemon. You can also use them to disable enemy attacks, status effects, and abilities.
To use these cheats, you need to enter one or more codes depending on what you want to achieve. You can find many codes online or create your own using a hex editor.
Here are some examples of battle cheats for Pokemon Psychic Adventures:
One-Hit KO Code:
95EDFBBA A5A72A78 C833D1A0 02FA7205
This code will make your Pokemon’s attacks always deal enough damage to knock out the enemy Pokemon in one hit.
Infinite HP Code:
This code will make your Pokemon’s HP never decrease, even when they take damage.
Max Stats Code:
420242DA03E7 000000070002
This code will give all your Pokemon in your party max stats (HP, Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed).
No Enemy Attacks Code:
D2201CBD 8CA90808
This code will make the enemy Pokemon never attack you, even when they have a chance to do so.
No Status Effects Code:
This code will make your Pokemon immune to any status effects, such as poison, burn, paralysis, sleep, and freeze.
No Enemy Abilities Code:
This code will make the enemy Pokemon’s abilities have no effect on the battle, such as Intimidate, Levitate, and Pressure.
To use these codes, follow these steps:
- Open your emulator or device and load your Pokemon Psychic Adventures ROM.
- Go to the cheat menu and select “Add New Cheat”.
- Enter the code as one cheat and give it a name (e.g., One-Hit KO).
- Enable the cheat and exit the cheat menu.
- Go to any battle in the game and start fighting.
- You should see the effects of the cheat in action.
You can repeat this process with different codes to make your battles easier or harder as you wish.
Misc Cheats
Another type of cheats for Pokemon games is misc cheats. These cheats allow you to access hidden areas and events in the game. You can use them to walk through walls, fly anywhere, and teleport instantly. You can also use them to change the time, weather, and season in the game.
To use these cheats, you need to enter one or more codes depending on what you want to do. You can find many codes online or create your own using a hex editor.
Here are some examples of misc cheats for Pokemon Psychic Adventures:
Walk Through Walls Code:
509197D3 542975F4 78DA95DF 44018CB4
This code will let you walk through any solid object in the game, such as trees, rocks, buildings, and fences.
Fly Anywhere Code:
42026592FFFF 000000020002
This code will let you fly to any location in the game using the Fly HM or the Fly menu.
Teleport Code:
This code will let you teleport to any location in the game by replacing XXXX with a four-digit hex value that corresponds to a map ID. You can find a list of map IDs online or use a map editor.
Time Change Code:
82003884 XXXX
This code will let you change the time in the game by replacing XXXX with a four-digit hex value that corresponds to a time value. The time value is calculated by multiplying the hour by 100 and adding the minutes. For example, if you want to set the time to 10:30 AM, you can use this code:
82003884 1030
Weather Change Code:
8200388C XXXX
This code will let you change the weather in the game by replacing XXXX with a four-digit hex value that corresponds to a weather ID. You can find a list of weather IDs online or use a weather editor.
Season Change Code:
8200388E XXXX
This code will let you change the season in the game by replacing XXXX with a four-digit hex value that corresponds to a season ID. You can find a list of season IDs online or use a season editor.
To use these codes, follow these steps:
- Open your emulator or device and load your Pokemon Psychic Adventures ROM.
- Go to the cheat menu and select “Add New Cheat”.
- Enter the code as one cheat and give it a name (e.g., Walk Through Walls).
- Enable the cheat and exit the cheat menu.
- Go to any location in the game and use the cheat as you wish.
You can repeat this process with different codes to explore the game in different ways.
In this article, we have shown you how to use cheats for Pokemon Psychic Adventures. We have covered different types of cheats and how they work. We have also provided you with some examples of cheat codes that you can try out for yourself.
Cheats can be a fun way to enhance your gaming experience and discover new things in the game. However, they can also have some risks and drawbacks. For example, using cheats can make the game too easy or too hard, which can affect your enjoyment and satisfaction. Cheats can also cause glitches, errors, or crashes in the game, which can damage your save file or your device. Cheats can also be considered cheating by some players, which can affect your reputation and respect.
Therefore, we advise you to use cheats with caution and moderation. Use them only when you need them or when you want to have some fun. Do not use them to ruin the game for yourself or others. Do not use them to harm your device or your data. And most importantly, do not use them to disrespect the game developers and their hard work.
- What are Pokemon Psychic Adventures cheats?
Pokemon Psychic Adventures cheats are codes that you can use to modify various aspects of the game. These cheats can help you progress faster, get better equipment, and have more fun playing the game. - How do I use Pokemon Psychic Adventures cheats?
To use these cheats, you need to input them correctly as either Game Shark or Code Breaker. Using them incorrectly will make the cheat fail. - What are some examples of Pokemon modifier cheats?
Pokemon modifier cheats allow you to modify the wild Pokemon that you encounter. To use the cheat, use the Master Code first, and then use the specific Pokemon code separately. - What are some examples of item modifier cheats?
Item modifier cheats allow you to modify the items in your inventory. They can be very useful for getting rare items or stocking up on healing items. - What should I keep in mind when using these cheats?
While cheats can be very helpful, it’s important to use them responsibly. Overusing cheats can make the game less challenging and less fun. It’s also important to remember that not all cheats will work with all versions of the game.
We hope you have learned something useful from this article and that you will enjoy playing Pokemon Psychic Adventures with or without cheats. If you have any questions, comments, or feedback, please feel free to share them with us. We would love to hear from you and help you out.